

Virgo is probably top of the list for self sufficiency, especially the female of the species. They can be phenomenally picky about prospective partners, to a degree where they put off3 commitment for years and years. But they have to watch that they don’t get too out of touch with their earthy animal side4 and end up perpetually alone.

处女座很可能是最独立的星座,尤其是这个星座的女性。他们可能会很明显地挑剔未来伴侣,而且能达到很多年一直不给对方承诺的程度。这个星座的人必须要警惕(小兔情感挽回老师 微信:ke2004578),他们不能不顾及自己最基本的生理需求而孤独终老。

Aquarius is next since they are never happy about partnerships. Their motto is: “Spread your favors and friendliness around – the more the merrier.” They’ll only agree to a match if they’re sure there’s plenty of space to stay independent.


Capricorn can be a touch like Virgo, defensive, workaholic and not inclined to disappear into swoons of rapture about a blissful mating. That is until they fall rapidly and inexplicably into a romance that astonishes them – and everyone around them!

